Monday, September 30, 2019

The benefits of a well designed flat tax

In an effort to salvage our economic system, the earned income revenue enhancement rate for all U.S. taxpayers will be 18 % . A good designed level revenue enhancement would non merely cut down conformity and administrative costs but it would besides heighten productiveness and work inducements. In altering the revenue enhancement rate to an 18 % revenue enhancement payment program, it sets a standard payment rate for everyone alternatively of multiple revenue enhancement brackets and has the possible to cut down our state ‘s debt. The current U.S. revenue enhancement system consists chiefly of revenue enhancements on income, paysheet, gross revenues and belongings. Harmonizing to Clemson University ‘s Holley Ulbrich, in 2007, these revenue enhancements provided 92 per centum of federal income and 51 per centum of province and local authorities income ( Ulbrich 2 ) . Therefore, since income revenue enhancement is a important beginning of funding national, province and loc al exchequers, how it is collected is really of import. For intents of discoursing this amendment, the federal income revenue enhancement is the chief issue being discussed. State and local issues may be used as illustrations, but non in a manner that has impact on the level revenue enhancement being proposed. The proposed level revenue enhancement rate for all taxpayers will hold a positive impact on the economic system by increasing the figure of revenue enhancement returns filed, the lower costs of treating them, will promote investing and concern chances, and will increase the overall income to the authorities from higher Numberss of revenue enhancement returns being filed. Implementing a level revenue enhancement would cut down conformity and administrative costs for the authorities. Since the IRS employs over 100,000 people to treat revenue enhancement returns, simplifying the filing procedure would cut down the demand for the figure of workers to treat revenue enhancement payments and returns, which would salvage the authorities money ( Pascale ) . The current system today allows the IRS to roll up a higher per centum of net incomes as people ‘s income additions, while others pay small or no revenue enhancement at all. If everyone had to pay the same sum of revenue enhancements, the procedure of filing revenue enhancements would be easier, hence more people would register and there would be lower costs for the IRS to implement revenue enhancement filings. Harmonizing to Daniel Mitchell, holding a level revenue enhancement simplifies the procedure, makes things just and is good for growing ( 1 ) . Simplifying the revenue enhancement construction would ensue in more accurate and completed returns being filed, which would take down the costs of roll uping revenue enhancements from people who do n't register revenue enhancement returns, therefore salvaging the IRS money. Since there are so many tax write-offs available under the current revenue enhancement construction, there are many people who file revenue enhancement returns but pay minimum federal income revenue enhancement. In add-on to the hapless, this applies to middle category and affluent people, excessively ( Bartlett 2 ) . Peoples who earn more money are able to pass more money, so, under the current system, things like purchasing places, charity contributions and stock investings can cut down the sum of revenue enhancement people pay. By change overing to a Flat Tax system, the lowest income earners in the United States would non be capable to income revenue enhancement, but the in-between category and wealthy would non be able to subtract their revenue enhanceme nts for their places, which could go really expensive for them. Since the existent proposed level revenue enhancement collected ( 18 % ) would be well lower than their current revenue enhancement bracket ( 28 % -32 % , for illustration ) , even losing out on some tax write-offs may non hold much impact on overall revenue enhancements being paid by householders and the wealthy. Mitchell estimates that approximately 97 % of revenue enhancement returns paid would e the same or less compared to the current system. Simplifying the revenue enhancement construction should ensue in better conformity, more accurate returns being filed, and lower administrative costs, ensuing in an overall higher revenue enhancement gross base for the authorities. Adopting a level revenue enhancement for earned income would besides heighten productiveness and investing inducements for persons and concerns. By shuting loopholes and take downing rates, the efficiency of the revenue enhancement codification could increase and make more inducements for people to put With the current revenue enhancement system, some people do n't desire to put because they ‘d be paying excessively much in revenue enhancements investings if their investings earned excessively much money. By following the level revenue enhancement, investors would hold more inducements to get down and turn concerns, every bit good as brand other investings ( Mitchell 2 ) . With a level revenue enhancement system, people will cognize the sum of revenue enhancements they owe easy and can put and salvage money more efficaciously. The level revenue enhancement encourages people to put more freely without being penalized for gaining excessively much on their investings and therefore paying higher revenue enhancements. Converting to the level revenue enhancement system could ensue in America going a magnet for investings and new occupations. Another benefit of the level revenue enhancement would be the possible to cut down the U.S. National debt. Studies show that about 5-15 % of Americans do non pay their revenue enhancements because the revenue enhancement returns are excessively hard and excessively clip devouring to fix. With this new system, revenue enhancements become easier to finish and take less clip. Converting to a level revenue enhancement would merely necessitate two postcard-sized signifiers: one for labour income and the other for concern and capital income, which is dramatically simpler than the 893 revenue enhancement signifiers presently in usage. Since the complexness of the filing procedure would be reduced, fewer people would register extensions or avoid registering wholly. This should ensue in more people registering returns and with the simpler signifiers, the processing costs should be lower, excessively. The overall impact of more people registering revenue enhancements, coupled with decreased co sts in treating the returns, should be a dramatic addition of income for the authorities, which would let the U.S. to cut down its debt, as good. The acceptance of a level revenue enhancement is a alteration to the variable revenue enhancement construction. The beginning of income revenue enhancement on persons is by and large cited as the transition of the 16th Amendment. It was passed by Congress on July 2, 1909, and ratified February 3, 1913. Throughout history, revenue enhancements were enacted as a agency to hold the wealthiest people pay for the good of everyone else ( Pascale 1 ) . The level revenue enhancement would hold more people paying equal proportions of revenue enhancement, instead than holding the wealthiest people pay the most revenue enhancements. Other states have had success implementing a level revenue enhancement plan. The first state to follow a level revenue enhancement was Estonia in 1994, merely after the prostration of the Soviet Union. The other two states that enacted a level revenue enhancement were Latvia and Lithuania. For these states, the economic growing showed important betterment and the â €Å" Baltic Tigers † became function theoretical accounts for the part ( Mitchell 5 ) . Russia besides adopted a level revenue enhancement rate in 2001, which rapidly had positive consequences: the economic system prospered, and grosss poured into the authorities. Several other former Soviet states have followed suit and hold had good consequences. As Ahrens points out 24 states now employ a level revenue enhancement but, to be just, none of them has an economic system every bit complex as the United States. At the province degree, a new survey shows that most citizens of Utah are paying less under the province ‘s 5 per centum level revenue enhancement than they did under the old revenue enhancement system ( Bernick 1 ) . While this is non a federal income revenue enhancement illustration, it merely shows that the level revenue enhancement can profit people at the province degree. Still, the statement is that rich people are paying less revenue enhancement than they had been ( at the 7 % rate ) and that they are acquiring large revenue enhancement cuts under the new system at 5 per centum. The issue with the current revenue enhancement codification is that there are infinite loopholes and freedoms that normally end up profiting those who are in higher revenue enhancement brackets.A With this new system there are no loopholes and no one gets more benefit from it than anyone else.A The level revenue enhancement construction will besides assist people cut down the complication of fixing their revenue enhancement returns.A The end is to do revenue enhancement readyings so easy that people file their returns on a postcard.A The level revenue enhancement would profit the lower income households because families would have a generous freedom based on the household ‘s size.A A household off our would non pay any income revenue enhancement until its one-year household income exceeded $ 30,000 ( Mitchell 2 ) .A Since the lower income households would fundamentally pay no revenue enhancements, the load displacements to middle category and affluent people.A In world, this is no different than how revenue enhancements have been collected throughout history – the people who can pay supply for the people who can non.A Congressman Mike Pence said a level revenue enhancement could be a â€Å" major spot of revenue enhancement alleviation: for most Americans ( Terkel 2 ) .A The level revenue enhancement would non hold unvarying benefits, but due to its simpleness, it should hold minimum negative impact on current taxpayers.AThere are several expostulations to the proposed level tax.A As Bartlett states the benefits to single taxpayers would be comparatively little – the wealthy would profit is proportionally while many in the in-between category would profit merely modestly or would even pay more taxes.A Clemson University economic science professor Holley Ulbrich besides points out † aˆÂ ¦a level revenue enhancement would switch revenue enhancement duties from the rich to the hapless, and particularly the in-between category, and e xtinguish desirable revenue enhancement inducements for retirement nest eggs, place ownership and charitable parts † ( Ahrens 2 ) .A â€Å" Further, in her ain article, Ulbrich points out that the attractive force of simpleness fells a large alteration in the distribution of revenue enhancements among the hapless, the in-between category, and the rich † ( Ulbrich1 ) .A The ground that it has been hard to implement a level revenue enhancement is because it ‘s difficult to happen a revenue enhancement rate that to the full satisfies everyone – neither raising nor take downing the overall revenue enhancement load ( Bartlett 1 ) .A Harmonizing to Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic Policy Research, there seems to be no grounds that a level revenue enhancement will ensue n growing or solves any current economic jobs ( Turkel 2 ) .A Those who oppose the level revenue enhancement feel that it will be a immense load to the in-between category and tha t it will non work out any of our current economic loads.AThe U.S. authorities has many concerns with respect to roll uping revenue.A Restructuring the income revenue enhancement aggregation method to a level revenue enhancement has many advantages.A It potentially reduces the load of revenue enhancement return readying for Americans and lowers the administrative costs of treating returns by the IRS.A By doing the earned revenue enhancement rate for everyone in America 18 % and distilling the revenue enhancement returns onto postcard-sized signifiers, the procedure of revenue enhancement readying, aggregation, processing and enforcement are dramatically streamlined.A The simplified construction should increase the sum of revenue enhancements collected, cut down administrative costs, and supply better inducements for concern and investings, ensuing in a important addition of gross for the United States authorities.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Poem Interpretation

The poems of Robert Frost reflect a journey, his own personal journey. But more than that, it describes a period of American exploration. â€Å"Desert Places, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening and The Road Not Taken† reveals the poet’s thoughts about the occurrence of changes during his time. It is a revolutionary period for the United States. The Industrial Development is underway, and it fuels a new age in American History. A country is on its way towards progress, and so is Robert Frost’s claim in the literary circle. IN A CAPSULE There is an emotional attachment found in the poem, â€Å"Desert Places.† It may describe a situation out in the cold but inner feelings become a far-reaching instrument on what the poet thinks about things. The portrayal of loneliness is best described in a deserted place on a dark and snowy evening. Treading the road alone brings a heavy feeling. No one is on sight but there is much to overcome. The inner will is far diff icult to tame than the elements along the way. Mr. Frost points out that the actions to deal with certain situations are up to the individual. While there are external factors and influences to consider, what keeps the event in check remains a personal decision.The poet exemplifies a brave stand to never succumb to outside inhibitions while at the same time controlling his inner fear. In â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,† Robert Frost brings his loneliness into the scene. He is deep in the woods but the snow is still there. His horse is there to keep him company. The place is dark alright, maybe darker than what is seen in the â€Å"Desert Places,† but fear to move onwards has been controlled. â€Å"Lovely woods† is a great description for keeping things in control. But what makes the poem different is that, it is about pursuing dreams and keeping promises.The individual doesn’t stop for anything. His travel continues. His appreciation for what he sees in the woods may have been inspired by the dreams and promises. With those things in mind, he just keeps going and going if only to bring some truth to what he needs to achieve. â€Å"The Road Not Taken† is a piece about choosing sides. It is about options. The poet may have been crossing different paths during his time that he shares his views on what road to take. Robert Frost may have recalled a fateful decision that he made in the past which had a profound impact on his later life.One important note that the poem emphasizes is staying true to something that has already been decided. There are no explanations to consider. Only a statement rings true that taking a side has brought a positive outcome. The poem goes straight to the context of hitting the mark. There are no complaints and no explanations are necessary to back up the road earlier chosen. EVOKING IMAGES A shadow of doubt is cast initially among the three poems. It reveals how human Mr. Frost is to harbor hesitant and uncertain feelings. He goes on to describe the difficulties of finding dreams and making things happen.The literary pieces evokes feelings of being lost in the storm and managing to locate the right track and come out of it all, not necessarily unscathed, but nevertheless victorious. Perhaps people can sympathize what all three poems depict. There is a sense of urgency to do things. A variety of feelings will lead an individual to the unpredictable and the unspeakable. But it is the inner conviction that wins it in the end. A determination withstanding the faces of hardship and difficulty as portrayed by the falling snow and the dark nights will be the vital factor to turning things around.Emotions frequent the poems of Robert Frost. Individuals share in the experience of braving the odds and gaining victory against adversity. People’s inner selves vary but all feel the same way. It is how a person responds to the challenges and the tides of the times that make his life worthy. The poems are timeless, and can be a source of inspiration for generations to come. But it is up to the reading public how they interpret Mr. Frost’s words. Literary masterpieces such as the three poems have a whole lot of meaning to consider. It is as deep as many other pieces can be. It is what makes people human.And it is what keeps the poet man as well. The words itself can bring forth fire and fury. Everyone is on familiar ground. Mr. Frost fuels that desire to conquer and achieve things beyond people’s dreams. This is what binds individuals together. Goals are shared. It is inspiring to address the powerful and brilliant message that the poet instills in the minds of the willing literary enthusiasts. Fear is still felt by the individual. Mr. Frost points that out in the â€Å"Desert Places. † The line which states that â€Å"They cannot scare me with their empty spaces,† evokes a sentiment of being afraid.It is a common feeling. But the biggest difference among readers and followers is how to manage or react to that type of situation. Even the horse in the â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening† wondered about the individual’s doubtful and untrusting attitude towards adversity. Numerous challenges are everywhere. It can be devastating all of a sudden but making dreams come true can be worthwhile. REPRESENTING THE WORLD Most masterpieces inspire people. A poet reveals his thoughts and feelings to many for the purpose of helping others cope up with situations. It is more than poetry.There is nothing more frightful than being stalked out of one’s goals. It all begins with the road. Hardships come and unveil the true character of the individual. Robert Frost seems to be putting the words into his mouth. It can be that his poems are all a reflection of his actions but it can also be that he is putting on a challenge for the rest of the people to follow. He is merely showing the way, showing his emotions to be used as the basis for everybody to look into and get motivated. It is Mr. Frost who gets to speak in his poems but in reality, he is representing each and everyone.People share common dreams. People feel the same fear. The same difficulties lie ahead. The same situations present itself in everyday life. The only denominator is the approach an individual makes while undergoing the various scenes that the poet has depicted for the rest of the people. His marvelous words are written for everybody. If there is a thing in this world that needs changing, it is solely the character of man. People have to be reminded every now and then about certain ideas and information which regards to daily living. Almost always, life is being taken for granted.Robert Frost’s words are just in time to voice essential lessons repeatedly into the minds of many individuals. While his poems are written in the past, the values contained on it are as valuable today as it has been yes terday. One thing worth taking note among Mr. Frost’s poems is the way his masterpieces are told doesn’t complicate things further. It may not bring forth the light of enlightenment but at least it puts a sense of purpose to everything it says. The titles of the poems possess a degree of hiding the content a bit. â€Å"Desert Places† marks that inner fear inside most individuals.But until reading those words until the last stanza, the reader will wonder what Mr. Frost is up to in the first place. Literally, many people will think that the title may correspond to some scenery in the Middle East. But it is not. The reading public must therefore think in order for the poet’s words to sink in. â€Å"The Road Not Taken† keeps people which path the poet choose. His idea of bringing the main thought of the poem is to reverse things a little to allow thinking. There is a twist but never to a level of great difficulty. Mr.Frost has taken the less traveled r oad which leaves many wondering what happened to the other path. In â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,† the poet again is diverting the attention from the true focus of the lines. Perhaps many are waiting for his story about the reason why he stopped during a snowy situation. But the answer to that may have led the readers to Mr. Frost’s effort to keep going in order to make his promise a reality. Poems may be a mind-twister. But it allows individuals to look deeper. There are details that lead some lines astray.However, it is meant to be as it is just to make the poem a remarkable journey and adventure. SYMBOLISM The three poems are written as narratives. Perhaps based as personal experiences of the poet, a story from each is learned. But always, Robert Frost is hiding something in between the lines. It is not necessarily on purpose, however, there is a need for the reader to uncover some contents of the poem which allows a greater understanding of the piece in its entirety. There are thoughts in between the lines which can be interpreted as mere distractions.The truth is, the ideas are supporting the content of the main thought. There is a real meaning behind most words in the poems of Mr. Frost. Loneliness must never be taken as it is, literally, that is. It can be an emotion of someone craving for attention. It can be a personal journey. It can even be finding oneself in the process. There is whole lot of meaning to the words in between the lines. The familiarity of the poems can be attributed not merely that all are written by the same poet. Robert Frost presents an approach which an individual can relate to in real life.By being in the middle of a snowy night, anybody can put himself on that situation. By being along and driven cold, most individuals press on to achieve their goals. The poems of Mr. Frost are founded on simple yet understandable narrative which presents a scene for readers to follow. It can be that the readers are themselves the heroes in their very own situations. Overcoming difficult situations are present in the â€Å"Desert Places† where the poet not minding the danger presented by the snowy night in the woods continues on with his trip to somewhere.A similar scene is depicted in the â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening† where the individual plunges on no matter what. â€Å"The Road Not Taken† tackles two paths along the way. Still the difficulty of choosing and going ahead with the decision is clearly seen and observed. Robert Frost’s poems uncover scenes of overcoming adversity. It is a symbol of what America stands for, a country on its way to prosperity and development. For always, the room for improvement is being acknowledged in this country. America is a work in progress.The Industrial Revolution during the 18th and 19th Century propels the United States to its seat as a world leader and superpower. With a mixture of different cultures, it continue s to thrive amidst the pressures coming from numerous differences among the races within its domain. America is constantly innovating and developing. Robert Frost portrays the need to pursue dreams and turn them into reality. When a person comes to America, his ideals become a symbol of what the poet says. Everybody who goes to the United States is looking for something bigger. That someone is making the best of everything to live a comfortable life.Along the journey towards progress await the hardships and difficulties of making it big. During the Industrial Revolution, people rush out and risk doing things to reach the American dream. It is the age of inventions. Industries are revolutionized, and lives will never be the same again. That progress continues until today. And it continues to inspire through the words of Robert Frost. In search for a better life, immigrants are knocking on the American doors annually. While new to this country, visiting citizens blend well with their counterparts in doing things no matter how hard they are.To achieve dreams, taking risks mean everything. Mr. Frost points to hard work as the vital factor in pursuing goals and objectives. Roles and responsibilities must play its part to build dreams a reality. The poet is on hand to guide the rest of America into staking their claim for a place in the United States of America. CONCLUSION The deep woods and the falling snowy are very much a part of American culture. Simply said, the way these things are describe in the three poems reflects Robert Frost’s upbringing. He walks through the woods on a snowy night just like any American.How heavy and hard it is to trek the roads ahead make no difference at all as long as the individual marches on in search for his place in a progressive world, one which America and Mr. Frost represents. BIBLIOGRAPHY Collection of Robert Frost’s Poems Retrieved September 13, 2007 from http://www. everypoet. com/Archive/poetry/Robert_Frost/r obert_frost_stopping_by_woods_on_a_snowy_evening. htm Poems of Robert Frost Retrieved September 13, 2007 from http://www. poemhunter. com/poem/desert-places/ Poems by Robert Frost Retrieved September 13, 2007 from http://www. internal. org/list_poems. phtml? authorID=7

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Abortion: Gathering Sources Online Essay

Read Lester pp. 39-60, â€Å"Gathering Sources Online,† and complete the answers to the questions below related to the chapter. Submit with answers written below each question: 1. What are two important things to be aware of when using online rather than print versions of an article? -The text may differ from the original printed version and may even be a digest. -Resist the desire to quote from the abstract and, instead, write a paraphrase of it or find the full text and cite from it. 2. What does .com indicate about a site? See more: Satirical elements in the adventure of Huckleberry Finn essay For-profit organizations, selling advertising space, they often charge for access, can be ISP sites 3. For research purposes, when evaluating sites, which two site suffixes should you prefer? .edu and .org 4. List 3 reasons to be careful of .com sites: -They are selling advertising space; they often charge you for access to their files; they can be ISP sites that people pay to use and to their â€Å"material.† 5. What are three ways to check for the professional affiliation of the writer of a Web article? -Opening credits or an email address – Search for the writer’s home page -Type the writer’s name in for a list of his or her books 6. What does the acronym URL stand for? Uniform Resource Locator 7. What does http:// in a Web address mean? Transmits data 8. What does the domain indicate? Names the organization feeding information into the server with the suffix to the label of the type of organization 9. What does html stand for and what does it name? Hypertext markup language; names the computer language used to write the file 10. What is the key difference between subject directory search engines like Yahoo! and Lycos and robot-driven search engines like Google and AltaVista? Directory search engines are human compiled and indexed to guide you to general areas that are then subdivided to specific categories. Robot-driven search engines respond to a keyword by electronically scanning millions of web sites. 11. What is a metasearch engine? List four examples of them. It examines your topic in several of the other two search engines and gives you the more relevant sites. For example:;;; 12. How can you find a specialized search engine? Go to one of the major sites, and ask â€Å"Where can I find a search engine on journalism?† The computer will name specialized search engines. 13. What is the best source on the Internet for academic journals? The library’s database collection 14. What are three ways to access an online academic journal? – First access your favorite search engine and use a keyword search for â€Å"journals† plus the name of your subject. -Second access a search engine’s subject directory. -Third, if you already know the name of a journal, go to your favorite search engine to make a keyword query, which will link you to the social science journal of that name. 15. List four directories that exist to help you discover articles in magazines:; Highbeam Research; Pathfinder; ZD Net 16. How can you find almost any newspaper in the United States? 17. Online books in the public domain are available through what Web address? * Read Lester, pp. 107-131, â€Å"Evaluating Sources for Research.† Select and submit to me the title and author of a non-fiction book related to the Mississippi Delta and preferably one that relates to your broader research topic to read and critique for essay one (See the bibliography and annotated bibliography posted in this week’s folder for your choices.) Type this here: Crowe, Chris. Getting Away With Murder: The True Story of the Emmett Till Case. Dial, 2003. * Read â€Å"Five Myths of the Information Age† posted here. * Read the article â€Å"Ten Simple Google Search Tricks,† posted in this folder. * Watch the video lecture on using Google Scholar posted in this folder. * Search for and locate at least five Internet sources that you may be able to use in your larger research project. Submit to me an annotated bibliographic entry for each (see Lester, Glossary, page 371). Type this information here: Locate a book using Google Books that you may be able to use in your larger research project. Submit to me an annotated bibliographic entry. Type this information here: Crowe, Chris. â€Å"Getting Away With Murder: The True Story of the Emmett Till Case.† Dial, 2003. * Locate a scholarly article using Google Scholar that you may be able to use in your larger research project. Submit to me an annotated bibliographic entry for it. Type this information here: William Bradford Huie, â€Å"What happened to Emmett Till killers?† Look Magazine 63. (1956). Print. * Write a paragraph explaining the criteria you should use to evaluate an Internet source for possible use in a research project. Type this paragraph here: You must make judgments about the validity and veracity of the materials. You should look for professional affiliation of the writer, which you will find in the opening credits or an email address. You should also look for the writer’s home page. Look for a bibliography that accompanies the article. You should try to find the timeliness of the information on the site. Check dates of publication and how often the information is updated.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Probable Efficacy of Alternatives to Incarceration Research Paper

The Probable Efficacy of Alternatives to Incarceration - Research Paper Example 1). So the criminal justice system is looking into the efficacy of many alternatives to incarceration like intensive supervision, boot camps and electronic monitoring/house arrest, which offer many advantages in terms of cost reduction, social relevance and the feasibility of a meaningful and effective rehabilitation. The Probable Efficacy of Alternatives to Incarceration Introduction Any sane and sustainable from of sentencing ought to be pragmatic, result oriented and financially viable, while confirming to the moral, ethical and social objectives inherent in it. Since times immemorial, civilizations have resorted to opting for incarceration as a regular mode of restraining and punishing their criminals and offenders. However, a more realistic approach towards this issue does not validate the fact that all the offenders deserve to be rigorously incarcerated, nor incarceration is the only possible method of achieving all the objectives ascribed to it (Bailey, 2003). In the criminal justice systems around the world, incarceration serves varied and multiple purposes. Incarceration is resorted to, to keep the individuals suspected of having committed some crime under a secure control, till their innocence or guilt is validated by a court of law. Incarceration is also used to penalize offenders found guilty of having committed a crime by depriving them of their freedom and liberty. Jail terms are also used to prevent chronic criminals from further committing a crime, until they get appropriately rehabilitated. To put it simply, the objective of incarceration is to allow the state to have a control over the factors that lead to crime, to protect the society at large from the offenders considered willing to and capable of indulging in further crimes and to rehabilitate the offenders, if possible (Bailey, 2003). A more versatile and creative approach towards these objectives do corroborates to the conclusion that many of them could be achieved by resorting to varied alternatives to incarceration like intensive supervision, boot camps, electronic monitoring and house arrest. Merits of Resorting to other Alternatives Necessity is the mother of invention. Hitherto, the criminal justice system has been opting for a one size fit all approach towards sentencing, being somewhat oblivious of the problems it would have created for law enforcement mechanisms. However, with the dawn of an era where the penitentiaries are fast getting overcrowded, the budgets ascribed to criminal justice systems are more than ever under diverse pressures and a relative humanization of the ethical, social and legal approaches towards sentencing, the criminal justice system is awakening to the fact that many available alternatives to incarceration could successfully serve the vouched objectives, while facilitating varied advantages (Diiulio Jr, 1991, p. 7). The criminal justice system is fast recognizing the fact that the homogenization and generalization of sentencing has g iven way to many problems and has divested it of varied other sentencing options like intensive supervision, boot camps and electronic monitoring/house arrest, which extend much scope for sentence customization. These alternatives arm the courts with much choice and multiple options. They allow the courts to opt for economically viable sentences, while ascribing the penalty in consonance with the gravity of offence of an offender (Diiulio Jr, 1991). Not to mention that varied

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Technology Transfer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words

Technology Transfer - Essay Example Technology transfer or what is commonly known as 'licensing' usually works in the manner that would afford permission to someone who intends to generate further profits and revenues by using the licensed technology and rights and who is willing to share said profits and revenues with the owner. Here, the owner of some rights or the 'licenser' would be the one to give the permission for the exploitation of his- or her own intellectual property creation. This permission or 'license' in its most widely used terminology, is granted to the licensee is given or conferred to someone, who is usually called the 'licensee'. Before the technology is transferred through licensing, it is a standard procedure for the parties to enter into a technology transfer or license agreement. This license agreement is generally codified in a document signed and executed by both parties. The issue of initial entitlement to an intellectual property right arises from the creation of the invention onwards. The party or parties entitled to such ownership of intellectual property may deal with their rights, disposing of them by assignment or allowing third parties to act within the scope of the monopoly, by granting them license to do so. In order to set up a management of successful collaborative research agreement, it is necessary to know the aims and objectives of each party. Industry and universities have varying aims and objectives. It is therefore imperative that all the parties should specify and indicate their precise aims and objectives in connection to the proposed collaboration or partnership and to create an outline or rough draft of the framework which gives rise to them. The parties should attempt to foresee and anticipate what each would like to do with the probable results and outcomes and any related advantages and benefits from the said collaboration or partnership. It is suggested that the parties should undertake to arrive at a compromise or agreement as regards the degree and extent to which some or all of the intellectual property results should remain private and confidential. They should also agree with respect to the issue of who would own any intellectual property generated in the course of the research. Most universities establish their policy or regime on intellectual property by stating therein the philosophy behind its ownership giving emphasis on the institution's objective and purpose in recognizing, cultivating and commercially exploiting scientific discoveries and creations of their faculty member. This is to make clear that the accomplishment and development of research is for the advantage and benefit of the public in general, the university, the inventor or researcher and the research sponsor. As regards the relationship between the university and the faculty member-inventor, the property ownership regime with respect to the research made or the invention lies on the agreement between them. However, it is essential

Contingency Theories of Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Contingency Theories of Leadership - Essay Example Fiedler's contingency theory states that the manner in which a leader can be effective is dependent on what he calls as 'situational contingency', or the resultant product arising out of the interspatiality or interaction of leadership style and situational favourableness (or situational control). Fiedler holds that in situations of extreme importance, as during floods, tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, a task-orientated style of leadership would be more beneficial than a considerate (relationship-orientated) style. This is so, as because in such an uncertain situation the leader-member relations get strained, due to fear or anxiety, the task becomes haphazard or unstructured, and the subject position of power becomes weak. In such a situation, the task-orientated leader who gets things accomplished proves to be the most successful. On the other hand, Fiedler emphasises that the considerate style of leadership is appropriate when the leader-member relations are good, the task is unstructured, and the locus of power is weak. ... For instance, there is some doubt whether the LPC is a true measure of leadership style. In 1986, Fiedler proposed another contingency model. This was called the Cognitive Resource Theory and attempted to analyse the conditions whereby intelligence, experience, and expertise are predictive indicators of leadership effectiveness. Fiedler stated that the effects of cognitive resources shall be significant only when the leader is able to be direct, when he/ she suffers from little stress, and when the leader has some unique expertise that cannot be performed by other subordinates. The theory formulates the idea that in low-stress situations, the intelligence of the leader has a great impact on the effectivity of the workers, and in high-stress conditions, the leader's expertise gets important. Interestingly, this assumption is not supported by Fiedler's research. An participatory discourse of the contingency theory is Vroom and Yetton's concept of Normative decision theory. Going by this variation, effectiveness of a decision procedure in an organisation is dependent upon various parts of a situation. It emphasises on the significance of the decision quality and acceptance by the people. What is interestingly is the fact that it values the criteria such as the amount of relevant information possessed by the leader and subordinates; under what circumstances would the subordinates accept a decision or try and co-operate in following a decision and the amount of disagreement among subordinates with respect to their preferred alternatives. This variation is definitely preferred over Fiedler's assumptions simple because it takes into account a thorough circumference of problems that the idea of decision making may face. The sheer flexibility, at times

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Crisis Management and Communication Research Paper

Crisis Management and Communication - Research Paper Example It is the moment of uncertainty that best describes a crisis situation. The severity of such crisis varies significantly, with less moderate to severe. The most common aspect of uncertainty pertains to the ethical and moral implications of the organization’s communication strategy during the crisis. The most common aspect of this is who is to be held responsible. Often, organizations fail to address crisis effectively because they have the tendency to engage in blame game which should ideally be the no-go area for organizations during crisis situations. The purpose of communication, or more so â€Å"strategic† communication during times like these, is to mitigate to some extent this form of uncertainty associated with the crisis. The higher the uncertainty associated with finding a solution for the crisis the greater the severity of the crisis (Stephens, Malone, & Bailey, 2005). It is often useful to classify crisis as an event caused by either external factors such as opportunities and threats as well as internal dynamics of the company including strengths and weaknesses. Crisis puts the company’s immediate survival at stake. ... Furthermore, researchers have also delineated on the steps in crisis management and communication, keeping in mind the procedural nature of a crisis situation. In the first stage, the organization gets signs and warning signals pertaining to an upcoming disaster (Stephens, Malone, & Bailey, 2005). In the next stage, organizations often engage in preparation and prevention exercises such as team-building measures as well as employing training measures to deal effectively with the crisis (Stephens, Malone, & Bailey, 2005). In the third phase, the damage is potentially â€Å"contained† or limited by several measures, the most important of which is communication, in order to avert the spillover of damage to other parts of the organization (Stephens, Malone, & Bailey, 2005). In the final phase, the organization recovers from the mishap, which is followed by essential learning in order to avoid the possibility of such a crisis in future (Stephens, Malone, & Bailey, 2005). Communicat ion during crisis situations, therefore, is fundamental to reaching the recovery phase sooner and more safely. The ultimate aim of communication during crisis situation is to frame appropriate public perceptions about the company and to maintain a favorable image of the company in the minds of stakeholders. Communication during these times also serves the purpose of informing, convincing or even motivating stakeholders towards a desired form of action. Another aim of crisis communication is to ensure that the damage is controlled and that the negative impact of the crisis on various environmental elements is minimized. Companies often use this as an opportunity to reinforce and communicate existing values, culture, vision and mission associated with the organizations to the public. As is the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Visual analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Visual analysis - Essay Example The first artwork that will be analyzed is the artwork presented by Emily Dunlap. Emily Dunlap created this impressive piece of artwork using several materials. This piece of artwork dated 2012 bears the title â€Å"Until you come back†. Some of the materials used to create this piece include an oil bar, cotton thread and canvas. The end product of the artwork was a portrayal of sunflowers, a terra cotta pot, a watering can and Miracle Gro. This artwork measures 6 inches by 9 inches. The texture of these artworks seems rather rough from the use of canvas and cotton thread. The bright illustration and amusing presentation of this artwork creates an appealing visual depiction of art (Leeuwen and Jewitt 129). This drawing also incorporates an interest in exploring the human perceptions of the environment through portraying real art. In fact, this piece of artwork by Dunlap can be depicted like a mirror that viewers can use to identify a creative expression of the landscape. The brief detail in the artwork easily captures the view of individuals. â€Å"Until you come back† is composed of a portrayal of sunflowers that unify the composition of the artwork. This artwork can be compared to the collections by Solomon "Sol" LeWitt who was a renowned American artist. LeWitt had significantly specialized in painting, photography, drawing and print making (Leeuwen and Jewitt 200). The simplicity in the drawings from these artists is quite evident. Their artworks can be defined as playful, random and curvilinear. This is because LeWitt used graphite and crayon in several scribble artworks. In the same case, Dunlap experimented on a contemporary technique in fine art that involved the use of cotton thread in the artwork â€Å"Until you come back†. This asserts that both artists have something in common in the field of art. In this part, I picked the Cairn Copy artwork presented by Daina

Monday, September 23, 2019

Discuss Chinese cosmology and its meanings and implications in early Essay

Discuss Chinese cosmology and its meanings and implications in early Chinese political culture - Essay Example These phases also refer to the different applications of reality, including the five directions, the five tastes, smells, colours, viscera and the five classifications of flora and fauna (Faure, 2005). Such general theme applies a suspension of thought with everything having its place and each place having a corresponding value. In effect, to find something means discovering and controlling it. These elements of cosmology will be discussed based on its meanings and implications in early Chinese political culture. A general background of Chinese cosmology will first be established, and then followed by more specific discussions on political culture during the early Chinese period. Body Chinese cosmology is based on the concept of cosmic order, which is the foundation of all existence, and also the primary rule in all cosmic relations and developments. The universe is therefore considered a self-contained and dynamic object operating based on its basic pattern. Such pattern has often b een considered as Dao by Chinese philosophers (Liu, 2006). This Dao has various interrelated elements. The term â€Å"way† has been related to â€Å"path† or â€Å"road† (Liu, 2006). Way is therefore related to the proper or the right way of acting or doing something or in another sense, the proper order which emanates in doing something right. Dao implies an all encompassing entelechy, a life-sustaining force supporting the creation of various things (Liu, 2006). Dao in effect, covers the whole cosmos from its birth or creation. Moreover, Dao refers to cosmic order and in some ways, is considered the truth or reality. Within the holistic cosmic understanding, this cosmic order covers majority of human relations and affairs (Liu, 2006). In effect, Dao includes a moral implication, being the proper way of states taking part in the human world. As Dao is considered the â€Å"right way,† it also represents the way which should be taken by individuals. In the more overreaching sense, Dao represents the highest moral standard for humans. Qi is also another element of Chinese cosmology, very much relating to the concept of Dao. There is no definite English translation for qi, but in general it is understood as something referring to energy, life-flows, and spirit (Liu, 2006). Chinese cosmology considers qi as a precursor to matter with the elemental breaking up of qi forming matter. All matters are made up of qi and levels of purity often indicate the different degrees of existence (Liu, 2006). Humans are perceived as possessing the purest qi with lower animals having less pure qi. Qi breaks down, however it is never consumed or diminished (Ames, 2005). Qi covers the universe with the universe representing the totality of qi being constantly mobilized and changed. The cosmos is therefore perceived as inclusive of qi without having a will or mind of its own (Ames, 2005). Such force covers most aspects of the cosmos, with all matters being connected as a strong organic whole. Chinese cosmology has been considered correlative with cosmologies being understood as frameworks of ideas which manage the universe as an ordered tool, evaluating it in relation to space, time, and motion, and populating it with humans, spirits, gods, and demons (Wang, 2000). Chinese cosmology therefore includes a comprehensive system of connected networks, supported by interlinked pairs (based on Yin-Yang), fours (based on the four directions), fives, (based on five phrases or Wuxing), and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Validity of Recovered Memories Essay Example for Free

The Validity of Recovered Memories Essay The sudden recovery of repressed memories from a traumatic event such as childhood sexual abuse can be both validating and confusing for clients that are seeking help with various problems. These new memories might be able to help client identify the cause of their feelings and issues that are affecting their life. However for others it can be a very difficult time because of the conflicting emotions about the abuser. Worst of all when dealing with the recovery of repressed memories they may be all together false. The accuracy of recovered memories in regards to sexual abuse is low and can come with significant consequences. These false memories can be very harmful to the client as well as anyone falsely accused of sexual abuse. In the late nineteenth century Sigmund Freud began using the term repression to explain how memories of a traumatic event can be inaccessible for a period of time and then return at a later date sometimes suddenly while during other times slowly developing over a period of time into a more clear memory. It was believed that repressed memories or motivated forgetting was a defense mechanism for people who needed to protect themself from the harmful and painful memories of a traumatic experience (Boag, 2006). More recently repressed memories being recovered about childhood sexual abuse (CSA) has caused more studies to be conducted to determine if the memories being recovered are valid or if false memories are be produced due to the fact that â€Å"human memories are vulnerable to distortion, that illusory memories can be created and therapies designed to recover memories of repressed abuse may inadvertently foster false memories of trauma† (Clancy, Schacter, McNally, Pitman, 2000, p. 26) Some therapist believes that memories that have been repressed can be successfully recovered with therapy and that these memories accurately portray the past events to the extent that legal action can be taken. Some states have even ratified laws to accommodate the recovery of repressed memories so that believed offender of CSA can be prosecuted once the client has recovered their memory of the traumatic event (Partlett Nurcombe, 1998). These memories can be recovered using various therapies such as hypnosis, dream interpretation, guided imagery and truth serum. Many of the therapies used for recovering repressed memories include having the client  in a relaxed state so that the memories can then be recalled more effectively. However a fallacy can occur when trying to help a client recover a repressed memory. If a therapist explains how a type of therapy such as hypnosis is helpful in recovering memories of CSA the client may then remember such instances of abuse simply because th ey believe the therapy works, so it does. ***As with any type of memory recovered memories are also subject to corruption and can vary from partially true to completely false. Recovered memories can be a fabrication of events and details that never actually took place. Because of these false memories being about such extreme information such as CSA an organization called False Memory Foundation was created in 1992 to help those who have been accused of such acts. The foundation will help the accused get in touch with attorneys that specialize in cases regarding repressed and recovered memories (Lein, 1999). For example a women’s recovered memory of being forced to drink blood as a child was later discovered to be nothing more than her drinking from a communion cup as a child. The wine she drank was explained to her as the blood of Christ when going to church and as a child thought the wine to be of real blood. This caused what appeared to be a traumatic memory but turned out to be a memory that was explained easily and while the memory was true the actual act of drinking blood was not (Pope Brown, 1996). At times the memories that are recovered are later found to be true with evidence from an outside source such as collaboration from another family member that was present at the time of the abuse or documentation such as diary’s kept by the abuser. Currently there is not a clear black and white understanding of recovered memories so theses type of therapies will continued to be practiced but should be done so cautiously. Not all memories recovered are false making it difficult for some to decide how they feel about the issue of repressed and recovered memories. I believe that memories can be forgotten and later recalled with prompting from exposure to an outside stimulus that brings the memory to the surface again. However because of the number of ways a memory can be corrupted I am forced to doubt the validity of recovered memories. Without substantiated proof that a memory that has been recovered is true I feel it would be unjust to presume that memory is truly factual, especially when accusation  of CSA can be so traumatic for not only the client but for their family as well. In most cases clients accuse their fathers of the assault which result in disruption of the family and for some court cases (Groman, 2008). The practice of therapist trying to help clients recover repressed memories can become unethical extremely quickly depending on how the therapy progresses. Therapists have been sued and found guilty of implanting false memories (Stocks, 1998). It is important the therapist use open ended questions that allow the client to proceed with the sessions as they see fit rather than using suggestive or leading questions (Holmes, 2006). â€Å"Clients can be asked if they had any experiences in childhood that they found sexually inappropriate, uncomfortable, or frightening† (Pope Brown, 1996, p. 158). However informing a client that their symptoms present in a way that the therapist believes the client has been a victim of CSA is a leading statement and can begin an unethical path to false recovered memories. Participation in survival groups can also cause these false memories of CSA. These memories appear to be real to the client however groups can cause conformity and may be causing false memories in the absence of any real CSA memories to be recovered(Stocks, 1998). Asch (1956) also demonstrated how groups can cause conformity to the point that members will make reports that are inconsistent with observable facts. Also with the therapist being in a position of authority clients can feel the desire to please their therapist and will push them self to remember the tragic memory believed to be repressed in order to satisfy the therapist. Having a therapist in anyway push or persuade a client in to believing that they have repressed memories of CSA or any other repressed memory that needs to be recovered is extremely unethical due to the highly damaging effects this can have on the client’s life. Because of these and other ethical concerns some organizations have decided to create a code of ethics in regards to repressed and recovered memories. This code of ethics gives therapist a place to seek help when ethical dilemmas arise. Giving therapist a variety of choices and steps they can take if presented with such a case (Pettifor, Crozier, Ch ew, 2001). While it is important for people who have either actually repressed a memory of CSA or have been afraid to come forward before that point to have the ability to peruse their offender in court it is also important to remember  the consequences of false memories. When a client recovers a false memory of CSA not only will the client have to deal with the emotions that come with that false memory but they can also become cut off from their family. For some the false memory has become so over whelming that they begin to hurt themselves with suicidal thoughts, self-mutilation, sleep disorders, and nightmares in an attempt to handle the information they have recovered and perceive as true. These symptoms appear to lessen after terminating therapy (Stocks, 1998) Along with the client the accused person must also deal with ramifications of the false memories. The accused can be taken to court and put in jail if found guilty. Because of the lack of imperial data supporting that a significant number of recovered memories are indeed factual I find myself unable to support a therapy that can be so damaging to everyone involved from the client, to therapist and the family of both the client and the therapist. If false memories are produced and legal action is taken against the presumed abuser or the therapist for implanting false memories regardless if it was done purposefully it can cause damaging consequences for all parties involved. References Asch, S. E. (t956). Studies of independence and conformity: 1. A minority of one against a unanimous majority. Psychological Monographs, 70(9), 1-70. Boag, S. (2006). Freudian repression, the common view, and pathological science. Review of General Psychology, 10(1), 74-86. Clancy, S. A., Schacter, D. L., McNally, R. J., Pitman, R. K. (2000). False recognition in women reporting recovered memories of sexual abuse. Psychological Science, 11(1), 26-31. Gorman, G. (2008). The recovered memory controversy—A new perspective. European Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 8(1), 22-31. Holmes, L. (May 06, 2006). The debate over recovered memories In Retrieved December 3, 2012, from Lein, J. (1999). Recovered memories: context and controversy. Social Work, 44(5), 481-484. Partlett, D.F., Nurcombe, B. (1998). Recovered memories of child sexual abuse and liability: Society, Science, and the law in a comparative setting. Psychology, Publice Policy, and Law, 4(4), 1253-1306. Pettifor, J., Crozier, S., Chew, J. (2001). Recovered memories: Ethical Guidelines to Support Professionals. Journal of child Sexual abuse, 10(2), 1. Pope, K. S., Brown, L. S. (1996). Clinical work with people who report recovered memories. In Recovered memories of abuse: Assessment, therapy, forensics (pp. 145-205). Washington, DC US: American Psychological Association. Stocks, J.T. (1998). Recovered memory therapy: A dubious practice technique. Social Work, 43(5), 423-436.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Examining God Of War Game Video Games Essay

Examining God Of War Game Video Games Essay God of War is literally based on Greek mythology and focused on protagonist Kratos. It forms part of a saga which is the series of God of War with the vengeance as a central theme. In this game, Kratos should restrict the God of War from destroying the Athens by finding the fabled Pandoras Box. In March 2005, God of War is released for the PlayStation 2 console by Sony Computer Entertainments. God of War is a Third-Person Camera game. In that the player controls the character Kratos in combat combination, puzzle game elements and plat forming. The player needs to navigate Kratos through a long series of tests, mazes and trials to reach goals. Kratos he travels across Greece in an attempt to kill the Ares. In PC and Video games, Third Person is a graphical perspective view from a fixed distance which is slightly above and behind the player character. Through this viewpoint players are allowed to see more strongly characterized avatar. It is most commonly found in action adventure and action games. General Discussion: God of War is again one of such games which made its entry. It is definitely more than just an excellent plat former. It is one of the most violent, disturbing and darkest games. The content and meaning of the game significantly exceeds the immaculately crafted gameplay. History of Greece: Basically, the Greece history is divided into six periods. 1. Accession of Peisistratus at Athens and Croesus in Lydia was from 776 BC to 660 BC 2. Peifflstratus Accession and Croesus to the repulse of Xerxes from Greece 3. Repulse of Xerxes to the close of the Peloponnesian war and overthrow of Athens 4. Close of the Peloponnesian war to the battle of Leuctra 5. Battle of Leuctra to that of Chaeroneia 6. Battle of Chaeroneia to the end of Alexander generation From Peisistratus to the death of Alexander and his generation, the five periods presents the historical drama which was capable of perspicuous succession. Adventures of Sicilian and Italian Greeks were interwoven. Occasionally, Introduced notices of Grecian political constitutions, poetry, oratory and philosophy. The Greece political actions had become degraded, after the generation of Alexander. Mainly the revolutions of Agis and Eleomenes at Sparta are instructive and affecting. Since then the value of Greeks belonged to them as individual preceptors, philosophers, astronomers, mathematicians, literary men and critics, medical practioners, etc. In ancient times of Greece, wars were very common. Greeks used to live in a small cities which has around100, 000 people in each city. Athens, Corinth, Sparta, Thebes used to fight with each other at their borders. Greece used to defend its cities from the invaders. Sometimes the cities within Greece used to fight together and sometimes they fight alone. Even Greece invaded other countries and took over them. The four main wars that occurred in ancient times were Trojan War (about 1250 BC), the Persian Wars (490-480 BC), the Peloponnesian War (441-404 BC) and the campaigns of Alexander the Great (331-323 BC). Later, according to Polybius, Romans took over Greece. Story of God of War Game: Kratos who is known for his brutality was once Spartan armies general. Only the mighty Barbarians finally defeated the Spartans. After a long fight Kratos was entirely defeated and his soldiers were brutally killed and were around his prone body in front of the Barbarian King. Kratos shouted to the heavens, when the Barbarian swung his hammer and pledged his life to Ares. In return he got power to defeat his enemies. At that time Kratos became Ares servant and with the power of Blades of Chaos he defeated the Barbarian King using these new weapons. However, these powers came at a price for Kratos. Being Ares servant he led his army to various victories. By following the Ares blindly he burned and pillaged a village. He murdered everyone within the local temple of Athena. In his rampage, he killed his wife and daughter unknowingly. When the Kratos realized his mistakes, he vowed vengeance on Ares. Ares explained Kratos how he arranged this happen to him, so that he will end up serving him. During the bodies of his wife and daughter were burned, Kratos was cursed by the villages. Later the burned ashes of his wife attached to his skin and made him pale. Since then he was named as Ghost of Spartans . Kratos helped Athena to defeat Ares in the God of War. Finally gods removed his pain and nightmares. Kratos was told about Pandoras Box by Athena which is an ancient artifact that will help Kratos to defeat a God. After entering into the Temple of Pandora, he had come across many challenges. He was killed by Ares after escaping from Hades. Finally, Kratos found the Pandoras Box and acquired its power which allowed him to kill his former master. Later even the gods of Olympus were helpless to erase Kratos memories from his mind as his crimes were so terrible. Despite the Ares death, he continued to get nightmares. He even tried to kill himself but Athena saved and offered him a position in Olympus. Later he armed with Athena s Blades in replacement of Blades of Chaos, which was lost when Ares had died. Later he ruled as a new God of War. Later, he descended to help his army to attack city of Rhodes. An enchanted eagle breathed life into the Colossus of Rhodes, and tried to steal Kratos power. It was Athena according to Kratos belief as he was early instructed not to go along with Sparta. After numerous attempts he drained his powers into sword and defeated Colossus as advised by Zeus. Zeus is the main culprit who was disguised as eagle in order to kill and send him to Hades. Gaia of Titan raised him again and suggested him to rebuild the sword to kill the gods. Later, he traveled to the Island of Fates where he comes across many challenges. Finally, he killed the Sisters of Fate which allowed him to go back in time when he was murdered by Zeus. Later Kratos will come to know that Zeus is his father. They managed to get once Athena died, but Kratos returned to Olympus with Titans by his side to kill the Gods. Game play: Kratos main weapons are Blades of Chaos and secondary weapon is Blade of Artemis. Four different attacks like Zeus Fury, Medusas Gaze, Army of Hades and Poseidons Rage are available. Also, the relic Poseidons is obtained. This allows the Kratos to respire even when submerged. During the final fight with Ares, Kratos uses the Blade of Gods temporarily. Rage of the Gods is a special ability which increases attack damage and temporarily provides invulnerability. When the enemies are killed, it will be recharged. In the game, Gorgon Eyes and Phoenix Feathers are Health and Magic upgrades respectively. Orbs are the other type of chests found in the game which are marked with a corresponding color (green, blue, and red). Green represents health, blue represents magic and red represents experience in tackling. By killing foes and destroying few inanimate objects, red orbs can be collected. It also has a quick-time feature that initiates when the player has become weak. Accordingly the player presses the relative commands that appear on screen. On minor foes, grab man over is available which yields red orbs. The presentation of Greece, depth of the challenges, simple fighting style, and the horrific finishing attacks will give you the best view of the action. The controls allow players to feel powerful, blocks, performing dazzling strikes, grapples and jumps. The sound and environments create the perfect setting for this game. On top of the fun factor, God of War is also a wonderful treat for the senses with its artistic version of ancient Greece. Once in a while every one game comes along that pushes the restrictions, that takes risks and innovates without losing the qualities that make so enjoyable God of War is one of those games. Kratos: In Greek mythology Kratos appears briefly to make impression towards them. He is not a nice guy. He is brother of Nike (Greek goddess of victory), Zeus (Greek god of rivalry) and Bia (Greek goddess of force). Four of them were first amongst Zeus. Though Kratos was god of strength, in modern times his name is probably most familiar as the main character in video game series God of War. Apparently the title God of War refers not to the character Kratos but to the Greek god of war Ares, who plays a role in the plot. Ares: Ares is God of War, son of Hera and Zeus and also the most powerful amongst Olympus gods. He was also an enemy of Athena. His Roman counterpart was Mars. Ares lay siege to her city Athens, out of his utter hatred and jealousy for her. Thousands of Athenians were slaughtered by the monsters that he awoke from Underworld. Zeus: ZEUS was the king of the gods, the god of sky and weather, law, order and fate. People thought of him as living on top of a mountain (Mount Olympus), and when he is angry he throws lightning bolts out of the sky at people. Zeus probably was not worshipped in Greece before the Indo-European Greeks arrived there in the Middle Bronze Age. He is an Indo-European god, and he is basically the same as other Indo-European sky gods like Jupiter (this is really even the same word: Ju= Zeus and piter means father) or Odin. Hes related to Indra, a Hindu sky god, the son of Dyeus Pita. ZEUS (Zeus), the greatest of the Olympian gods, and the father of gods and men, was a son of Cronos and Rhea, a brother of Poseidon, Hades (Pluto), Hestia, Demeter, Hera, and at the same time married to his sister Hera. Weapons: Kratos Weapon: Kratos main weapons in God of War are Blades of Athena. They are the same like Blades of Chaos which Kratos first received. They have the same abilities like Blades of Chaos at the end of God of War. However, in God of War: Betrayal and God of War II their powers of attacking are changed. Athenas Blades give off a yellow aura with Blue-colored Glyphs and are gold in color due to the godly magic emitting from them. Also the colors of weapons changes in different levels. Gods Weapons: The Blade of Gods was a stone and bridge built of metal in a sword shape. Kratos used the bridge as weapon when he becomes gigantic. At the last moment he killed Ares by using the Blades of Chaos forcefully removed from his body during his final battle. God of War Part 1: It was released for PS 2 by Sony Computer Entertainments. It is Third Person Camera game. Created by Ready at Dawn Studios, Santa Monica Studios. In this part, Kratos needs to stop the Ares from destroying the Athens city by finding Pandoras Box. Unlike other games, God of War focused on afterthought simultaneously maintained the action and adventure genre. Definitely, this is one of the best action and adventure games on the PS 2. God of War Part 2: In this part, Kratos, now the God of War, attempts to overcome the betrayal of the gods by seeking out The Sisters of Fate and changing his destiny. Mainly we can see lots of Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Nudity, Sexual Themes etc which makes the game far more interesting. Also, a strong language has been used in the game. It was released for PS 2 and PS 3 console by Sony Computer Entertainments. God of War was admirable in most of the aspects. There was always a distance between the the games story and the player. There is no much improvements in this part compared to part I. God of War II has all most everything that gamers would expect in sequel. It is definitely one of the exciting and interesting PS2 games in the history. It has amazing graphics, interactive sound effects, intense fights and music. God of War Part 3: In this part, Kratos with his Titans force attack the Olympus to kill Zeus and Olympian Gods. Pandoras Box will be reintroduced in this part. It was released for PS 3 consoles by Sony Computer Entertainments. As in earlier sequels, even this part is full of graphic violence, hideous monsters and blood, similar to God of War: Ghost of Sparta. It has excellent action-packed set pieces, sublime combat, and epic spectacle. The God of War Collection produces a range of visual and performance benefits. According to NPD data collected in Nov 2010, more than 180,000 copies was sold in USA in less than two weeks. PS2 hardware emulation shots on top, God of War Collection and PCSX2 shots on the bottom. Three types of Third person camera systems: 1. One is the Fixed Camera Systems where the positions of camera are set while the game is created. 2. The Tracking Camera Systems in which the camera is continuously follows the players position. 3. The Interactive Camera Systems are the advanced and are well controlled by the player s. Some Examples of camera types: Fixed camera: Selection of shots in Resident Evil 2 that aim at creating tension. In the Fixed Camera System, the properties of the camera are set by the game developers, such as its position, field of view or orientation, during the game creation. The view of camera will not change dynamically. Therefore, the same position will always be shown under the same set of views. Example for this type of camera can be found in Alone in the Dark and early Resident Evil. The background on which they evolve has been pre-rendered, while the characters are in 3D. One of the advantages of this Fixed Camera System is that it allows the designers to use the film language. Infact, the filmmakers, can create a mood through camera work by careful selection of shots. Their cinematic qualities are often praised in such games. In Resident Evil 2 this techniques are used by Capcom in which the encounter between monster and Leon was introduced by careful selection of views that aim at creating tension. Tracking camera: The tracking camera follows the characters from behind. There is no need for the player to control the camera. For example move it to a different position or rotate it. In early 3D games such as Crash Bandicoot or Tomb Raider, this type of camera system is very common as it is simple to implement. But there are few problems with this type of camera system. As the player does not control the camera may jerk or end up in awkward positions when a character turns or stands face out against a wall. This type of system is not suitable when occluded by an object. Interactive camera: In Super Mario 64, the camera intelligently rotates to show the path, instead of staying behind Mario. This is an improvement over the tracking camera system. Some of its parameters like camera s orientation or distance to the character will be changed even while the camera is still tracking the character. The camera is often controlled by an analog stick to provide a good accuracy on videogame consoles. However, in PC games it is normally controlled by mouse. Best examples are Tomb Rider, Matrix, Super Mario Sunshine or The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. It is often very difficult to implement the fully interactive camera systems. Super Mario Sunshine faced many difficulties in controlling the camera and thus been argued by Gamespot. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker was more successful and rarely needs manual correction. Super Mario 64 was one of the first games to offer an interactive camera system. It has two types of camera systems by which the player can switch accordingly. Except that it was partly driven by artificial intelligence, the first one was a standard tracking camera system. The system was responsive to the structure of the game level and thus can anticipate the change when required. For example, in the first phase, when the path to the hill is going to take left turn, the camera automatically starts looking towards the left by anticipating the players action. The second type allows the player to control the camera relatively to player position. By pressing up or down arrow keys camera moves closer or away from Mario, and by pressing on the left or right buttons, the camera rotates around Mario. Sound: Both sound and music are very well composed. This makes the game much more interesting and lively to play. In order to get a truly Greek feel, the score is provided. The graphics in the game are amazing on any TV. However, they are even better on progressive scan mode. Everything from semi-interactive surroundings to background details feels like a truly interactive world. Releases Awards History of God of War: God of War was released on June 21, 2005 in Europe and March 22, 2005 in North America and is also available in the PlayStation 2. God of War II was released on November 17, 2009 in North America. Both games are launched with up-scaled graphics and support for PlayStations. It was released in on UK 30 April 2010 Japan on March 18, Australia on 29 April 2010. God of War received the Game of the Year award from the Academy of Interactive Arts Sciences. God of War is ranked amongst the top 25 PS2 games list. It won twelve Game of the Year Awards. In 2007, it was named as the seventh best PS2 game of all time in IGNs feature reflecting on the history of the PlayStation. God of War (series): God of War is a video game for the PlayStation 2 and the first in the series God of War II, video game for the PlayStation 2 God of War Betrayal, video game for mobile phones God of War Chains of Olympus, game for the PlayStation Portable God of War Collection reissue of God of War and God of War II, premastered and compiled on a single disc for the PlayStation 3 God of War III, game for the PlayStation 3 God of War: Ghost of Sparta, a 2010 video game for the PlayStation Portable About PlayStation: PS 2 is a very popular console. It has thousands of games which are liked by everyone. We can opt to play LEGO Batman with family or sit for hours on hunting mythical deities in God of War. With DUALSHOCK 2 analog controller they all come alive. It delivers a sensitive gaming experience. Every action button has pressure sensitivity (up to 255 levels of sensitivity) and analog thumbsticks has enhanced mobility. Every PS 2 system has a controller and even we can use another DUALSHOCK 2 controller in order to play with friends. PS3 has in-built Wi-Fi and also can store huge amounts of data like game files, music, videos, photos and add-ons. HD movies at 1080p will be shown by Blu ray player to get pristine picture quality. Streaming movies can be downloaded by using Netflix. Conclusion: God of War is a revolutionary game created in the gaming world. The audio and graphics used in this game were extraordinary and eye-catching. The player feels as if he is the main character. No wonder it is ranked in the top 20 list. Even the storyline of the game is scripted very well. God of Wars greatest strength is fun. God of War is a perfect game, and also a great one. The game contains so much energy and confidence, so much skill and spirit. Anyone can addicted because of the action and detailed storyline. God of War is superbly designed and executed action adventure game that is the finest ever made.